
Meshmatics Chandelier

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Design by Rick Tegelaar
Rick elevates the nature of humble wire netting by developing a machine and set of tools to model it with accuracy. The full potential of this thin and flexible materials is then stretched and captured within three layers of beauty. The clever wire mesh structure reflects and diffuses the light of the integrated LED with poetic grace, contributing to keep the light source cool by absorbing some of its heat.
By stretching the material over a mold it shrinks itself to the form and takes its shape. The tension that comes into the material from stretching stays captured to form a very efficient structure. The material is now shown with a complete new perspective with new possibilities.
The wire mesh acts as a reflector to distribute the light from the integrated LED in an elegant way. This results in changing transparencies due to the different tiers of the chandelier. In this way the light is captured to form a very visual yet transparent display.